Intelvision Inspires UCU Students
Intelvision held a meeting with the students of the Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU) and shared its experience of developing from a startup to a recognized IT company.
Intelvision shares experience with UCU students
As a socially-responsible company that wants to make an impact, Intelvision often shares its experience. That’s why on October 28th Intelvision had a meeting with the students of the Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU). During this meeting, our team informed the students about the journey that companies make starting from dynamic startups to well-established firms. The speakers were Yurii Kotula – CTO and Co-founder at Intelvision, Roman Yarovyy – CEO and Co-founder at Intelvision, and Solomiya Oliynyk, HR Manager at Intelvision.
At the beginning of the meeting, the speakers briefly told the audience about Intelvision as a quickly-growing innovative software company, its core services, mission, and vision.
During the period of being 4+ years on the market, Intelvision has been offering full-cycle IT solutions and consulting services and has successfully completed 40+ projects. The team of Intelvision includes 20+ web app experts and 15+ certified engineers who provide reliable services of dedicated software development, web application development, software and application support, and maintenance, etc.
After such an introduction, Solomiya Oliynyk shared her experience of studying at the LvBS at the Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU). Upon the completion of the LvBS, Solomiya chose to become an HR specialist in the IT company, specifically Intelvision. According to Solomiya, IT is a fascinating sphere to work in which is rapidly developing even despite the global pandemic. Thanks to this, people can constantly grow and learn when working in IT. Solomiya also gave some advice to the students about potential employment and answered their questions.
Afterwards, Solomiya gave the word to Yurii Kotula and Roman Yarovyy.
They overviewed the origins of Intelvision as the company, its early development on the startup phase, and evolution into the recognized provider of software services. Yurii Kotula and Roman Yarovyy also shared valuable insights about the journey that a young company has made from concept to the first completed projects, namely Leogene and Vaillant.
According to the speakers, it is essential to use networking as a starting point for the successful development of a startup.
Additionally, it is equally important to have a professional and motivated team which will boost the development. Furthermore, clear and well-thought-out business processes are another key factor for the successful growth of a startup.
The speakers paid attention to the fact that education in Ukraine is quite accessible as compared to other countries. As high-quality education and continuous development help to achieve professional goals and be a demanded specialist, education should be used as an opportunity and advantage.
Then Yurii Kotula and Roman Yarovyy explained the setting of the IT market which is quite diversified and consists of different levels. It is represented by big and small companies accordingly. The speakers remarked that big IT companies, in general, provide services to large businesses, while small IT companies cover the needs of small or emerging businesses.
After the outline of the IT market, Yurii Kotula and Roman Yarovyy touched upon an interesting question on how to grow from a startup to a well-established company and compete with the dinosaurs on the market.
According to the words of Intelvision specialists, it is possible to secure steady growth if your team has the right attitude, positive outlook, and confidence.
With the right attitude, an emerging company will acknowledge that big companies trigger and set trends which impact and change the market. Whilst, by having a positive outlook, the team is able to look around, notice the trends, take them into account, and implement them into a specific way of working. Last but not least, a confident team will try to learn from the experience of the large companies and potentially even attempt to cooperate with them.
To conclude, the journey from a young ambitious startup to a recognized company might be quite challenging. However, with good networking skills, a motivated team, well-thought-out business processes it is possible to grow and make an impact just as Intelvision has done.
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Intelvision strives to create a comfortable and dynamic working environment which would result in a closely-knit team of specialists who can grow personally and professionally as well as enjoy numerous perks and benefits. Join us today and grow with ambitious specialists and interesting projects.